Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Expression Sketches

I have been up late tonight working on color keys and needed something to relax. SILLY FACES! I like the hyper-extension of the features, but know I need to work on economy. I started to do color variations but started nodding, I'll try to post them before the end of the week.


matt dawson said...

Many thanks for your really kind feedback on my work. It's a great motivational boost and I really do appreciate the gesture! Looking at your blog I have to repay the favour .... absolutely gorgeous work...I especially love the Jumbo project which looks to be a perfect marriage of story and visuals. Your poster material is inspired, I'm jealous of your trunk form text layout!!! I did a playbill style elephant poster a while back (on my website if your interested :) and wish I'd been that adventurous with my typography...truly GREAT! I really look forward to seeing developments!


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